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Abstract Factory
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- Name
- Khánh
During software development, there may be times when we need to create a family of objects of a specific type, such as a family of wooden furniture, a family of iron furniture, a family of aluminum furniture, etc.
Abstract Factory
- Using the Factory Method Pattern to add many types within the same family is considered an Abstract Factory.
- Using the Factory Method for many types that do not belong to the same family is not called an Abstract Factory.
abstract class Chair {
hasLegs: boolean;
sitOn: () => void;
class VictorianChair implements Chair {
hasLegs: boolean;
sitOn: () => void;
class ModernChair implements Chair {
hasLegs: boolean;
sitOn: () => void;
abstract class Table {
hasLegs: boolean;
sitOn: () => void;
class VictorianTable implements Table {
hasLegs: boolean;
sitOn: () => void;
class ModernTable implements Table {
hasLegs: boolean;
sitOn: () => void;
abstract class FurnitureFactory {
createChair: () => Chair;
createTable: () => Table;
// Create a family of Victorian Furniture
class VictorianFurnitureFactory implements FurnitureFactory {
createChair() {
return new VictorianChair();
createTable() {
return new VictorianTable();
// Create a family of Modern Furniture
class ModernFurnitureFactory implements FurnitureFactory {
createChair() {
return new ModernChair();
createTable() {
return new ModernTable();