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[Structural] Bridge
- Authors
- Name
- Khánh
- There are too many seperate instances in our system, How to connect them to work together?
Bridge pattern
- The purpose of the bridge pattern is connect multiple seperated objects
- Determine the instance to connect
- Init Bridge which has the function to interact with each object
- Shape is the first object to connect
abstract class Shape {
abstract name: string;
abstract draw(): void;
interface Color {
fill(shape: Shape): void;
class RedColor implements Color {
fill(shape: Shape) {
console.log(`Fill red color for ${shape.name}`);
class GreenColor implements Color {
fill(shape: Shape) {
console.log(`Fill green color for ${shape.name}`);
- Circle is the rest object which needs to be connected to the Shape
class Circle extends Shape {
name: string = "Circle";
constructor() {
draw(): void {
console.log(`Draw circle ${this.name}`);
class Rectangle extends Shape {
name: string = "Rectangle";
constructor() {
draw(): void {
console.log(`Draw rectangle ${this.name}`);
- Bridge between them
class ShapePainter {
private shape: Shape;
private color: Color;
constructor(shape: Shape, color: Color) {
this.shape = shape;
this.color = color;
paint(): void {
- Using it
const circle = new Circle();
const redCircle = new ShapePainter(circle, new RedColor());
const rectangle = new Rectangle();
const greenRectangle = new ShapePainter(rectangle, new GreenColor());
- Using Bridge pattern to make cleaner to connect the collection of objects
- Easy to maintain objects
- Easy scale objects
- If we need to implement another logic for the connection between objects, just define new Bridge between objects.