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The Singleton pattern is different from the Single Responsibility principle defined in SOLID. The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that ensures the use of only one instance of a class (1 object - 1 class).

Avoid re-create instance


Addressing two issues at once:

  • Ensure that a class has just a single instance

    • Manages the number of instances created in the system to control resource sharing within the system.
    • Instead of creating a new instance every time it's used, each access will retrieve the previously created instance.
  • Provide a global access point to that instance

    • Since this pattern involves initializing the instance once and using it in multiple places, considering it as a global variable is not incorrect.


  • Make the constructor a private function.
  • Create a static function that acts as a creation function instead of the constructor.


class Singleton {
  public static instance: Singleton;
  public variable: string;
  private constructor() {
    this.variable = "initialized";

  public static getInstance() {
    if (!Singleton.instance) {
      Singleton.instance = new Singleton();
    return Singleton.instance;

const hello = Singleton.getInstance();
const hi = Singleton.getInstance();
console.log(hello.variable === hi.variable); // true


class Database {
  private static instance: Database;
  private constructor() {}

  public static getInstance(): Database {
    if (!this.instance) {
      this.instance = new Database();
    return this.instance;

const db = Database.getInstance();
const db2 = Database.getInstance();
console.log(db === db2);


  • Use when you want a class to have only one instance in the system, such as: database, connector to a 3rd party.
  • Use when you want to tightly control global variables, ensuring the entire system shares a single instance.
Ensures there is only a single instance of a class.However, maintaining and debugging can be difficult in multi-threaded scenarios.
The object is created only on the first access.This may violate the single responsibility principle.
It is challenging to write unit tests for client code.
