Published onJune 2, 2024Prototype patterntypescriptdesign-patternAn object needs to be cloned from an existing object.
Published onJune 1, 2024Builder Patterntypescriptdesign-patternThere are many variations for one type; instead of passing parameters to the constructor, using a builder is more convenient.
Published onMay 31, 2024Abstract Factorytypescriptdesign-patternUsing the Factory Method Pattern to add many types within the same family is considered an Abstract Factory.
Published onMay 30, 2024Factory Methodtypescriptdesign-patternIf there is only one factory for all Products, it is no longer the Factory Method but a Simple Factory.
Published onFebruary 8, 2024[SOLID] Dependencies Inversion PrincpleprinciplesoftwareUse it when you anticipate that a class or module will have many variations and will be used in multiple places.